Thrivent Choice Dollars

Eligible benefit members of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans can now help choose where Thrivent Financial distributes a portion of its charitable funds through “Choice Dollars,” part of the organization’s Thrivent Choice charitable grant program.

Here’s how “Choice Dollars” works:

If you are an eligible benefit member, you can designate your Thrivent Choice Dollars to the CLEF. See below for information on how to find out if you are an eligible member, and how to direct your Thrivent Choice Dollars to the CLEF. 

Designated “Choice Dollars” are based on:

  1. adult benefit membership, and
  2. qualifying insurance premiums, or qualifying contract values or Thrivent Financial volunteer leadership.

“Choice Dollars” can be directed to The CLEF:


  1. Visit and log in.
  2. Click on “Direct Choice Dollars.”
  3. Search the catalog of organizations (or enter Confessional Lutheran Education Foundation).
  4. Click on “Direct Choice Dollars Now.”


–Call 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) and say “Thrivent Choice.”

Potential amounts range from $25 to $500 for each eligible benefit member.

If you are eligible to direct “Choice Dollars,” you can direct them right now. If you are uncertain about your eligibility, visit thriventchoice, or contact your local Thrivent Financial representative.